Crickex contacts
Being constantly in touch is a must-have for the 21st century! The Crickex team communicates through multiple channels so you can choose the one that suits you.
Crickex support team is available 24/7, and social media posts are made frequently to keep you informed of all cricket news.
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Crickex Facebook
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Crickex has almost 100 thousand like-minded people on this social network!
Crickex official Telegram group
Announcements, statistics, odds and news about Crickex cricket betting platform can be found conveniently by subscribing to the Crickex official Telegram group.
Crickex breathes the same sports air with customers. Therefore, you are welcome to
Crickex support email
Crickex's corporate staff may be contacted at
Let's stay in touch to be helpful to each other and participate in each other's lives as much as possible!